Thursday, March 12, 2009

OrangeSoda Uses Promo Products to Make Things Pop

Small- and medium-size businesses have a lot of online marketing agencies from which to choose. Still, agency OrangeSoda feels it has the best search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click offerings. The problem is how to stand out from the pack. A strong brand name like OrangeSoda helps, but to really drive the point home they decided to give away, well, logoed orange soda cans and bottles to prospective clients, partners and investors.

They also distributed standard promotional giveaways like pens and note pads. But the actual soda works best because it ties directly back to the company’s overall branding and positioning., says Jay Bean, CEO and co-founder of OrangeSoda.

Bean says he didn’t lose a great deal of sleep over deciding which item would be best to use for his marketing efforts. “The choice to give away orange soda as a promotional item was actually pretty simple since it’s in our name. But, more than that, we wanted to give something away that’s nontraditional and would help us stand out like our product and services do.”

Well aware of the pun involved, he says, “It’s also a part of our culture and brand since we try to put some fizz into the online marketing we provide for thousands of clients.”

While many online agencies lean on the Web for their marketing efforts, OrangeSoda has proven its faith in offline tactics. It also runs local billboard ads in Utah that prod drivers to first ask, “What the heck is SEO?” and “What does OrangeSoda have to do with it?” When it comes to promotional products, apparently a lot.

1 comment:

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